Sebelum DIET kenali dulu 2 Jenis Karbohidrat yang menambah berat badan dan tidak…

•May 25, 2010 • Leave a Comment

Ini jawaban dari beberapa pertanyaan gw, kenapa kata orang kalo mau diet jangan makan nasi….

ada 2 Jenis karbohidrat….kompleks dan simpleks

(ini agak membingungkan, makin lo baca ke bawah makin ngerti deh…)

Kenapa selama ini gw makan lotek cepet kenyang tapi ga nambah berat badan…disini ternyata jawabannya…

Kenapa selama ini gw disuruh makan soyjoy aja buat cemilan (Soyjoy has LOW GI (Glycemic Index)

Kenapa lo disuruh sedikit menjauhi nasi supaya pas lo kenyang makan sayur lo ga bakal menambah berat badan tapi lo kenyang…


SEBELUM berdiet karbohidrat atau diet rendah karbohidrat, sebaiknya kita mengenal terlebih dulu macammacam pengelompokan karbohidrat. Dengan begitu, kita bisa memilih jenis makanan berkarbohidrat mana yang harus kita pantang dan mana yang justru harus kita santap.

Seperti diungkapkan sebelumnya, diet karbohidrat adalah dengan meningkatkan asupan karbohidrat kompleks dan menurunkan asupan karbohidrat sederhana atau simpleks. Lalu, apa beda dari kedua jenis karbohidrat itu? “Karbohidrat simpleks adalah jenis karbohidrat yang memiliki kadar gula tinggi,” jelas Inayah Budiastuti, ahli gizi Hang Lekiu Medical Center. Karbohidrat ini kerap menjadi sebab-musabab naiknya berat badan seseorang. Sedangkan karbohidrat kompleks adalah jenis karbohidrat yang terdiri dari protein dan serat.

Nah, baik atau tidaknya karbohidrat ini ditentukan indeks glikemik. Semakin tinggi indeks glikemiknya, semakin cepat kadar gula darah seseorang meningkat. Akibatnya, makanan itu semakin merangsang seseorang untuk terus makan. Penderita kencing manis (diabetes mellitus) tidak dianjurkan mengkonsumsi makanan dengan indeks glikemik yang tinggi. Sebab, karbohidrat jenis ini akan menyebabkan produksi insulin menjadi berlebihan Salah satu contoh yang termasuk karbohidrat simpleks dengan glikemik tinggi yakni kue tart.

“Kalau seseorang makan kue tart, dia pasti ingin makan lagi,” kata Inayah. Adapun contoh jenis makanan karbohidrat kompleks dengan glikemik rendah adalah sayur-mayur. “Misalnya bayam. Memakannya orang akan cepat kenyang,” ujar Inayah. Usahakan juga mengonsumsi karbohidrat berserat tinggi.

“Karbohidrat kompleks identik dengan serat tinggi,” jelas Haryati, ahli gizi RS Mediros. Ingat, karbohidrat berserat tinggi tidak mudah diurai sehingga tidak memicu naiknya insulin dalam tubuh. Contoh buah dengan serat tinggi seperti apel, pir, dan jeruk. Sedangkan yang miskin serat, contohnya pisang, nangka, mangga, dan duren. Selain itu, karbohidrat yang baik juga ditentukan kandungan antioksidannya. Antioksidan ini berfungsi menangkap radikal bebas dalam tubuh. Memang, radikal bebas memiliki fungsi mengubah makanan menjadi energi. Cuma, kelebihan radikal bebas dapat menurunkan mutu DNA.

Makanan yang mengandung karbohidrat dengan antioksidan paling baik atawa istimewa contohnya: bayam, brokoli, kembang kol, selada. Setingkat di bawahnya adalah: terung, paprika, kol, kacang panjang, dan tomat. Kategori di bawahnya lagi yang masih mengandung antioksidan adalah jeruk peras, seledri, mentimun, anggur.

ini tambahan dari majalah LISA

(bukan Lisa Anjayasasi yaaa…hehehe she is my Ex…hope she will be better there bebeb with her Boy Azmi Fadhlih)
Karbohidrat, Sahabat atau Musuh? E-mail

Nutrisi ini sangat penting bagi tubuh. Tapi jumlahnya tidak boleh kurang, juga tidak boleh lebih. Salah satu komponen makanan yang paling dibutuhkan tubuh adalah karbohidrat.

Karbohidrat, Sahabat atau Musuh?

Nutrisi ini sangat penting bagi tubuh. Tapi jumlahnya tidak boleh kurang, juga tidak boleh lebih. Salah satu komponen makanan yang paling dibutuhkan tubuh adalah karbohidrat.

Penting karena karbohidrat merupakan sumber energi utama selain protein dan lemak. Seperti mobil yang membutuhkan bensin, begitu juga tubuh dengan karbohidrat. Karbohidrat banyak terdapat dalam nasi, kentang, mi, jagung, roti, permen, buah-buahan, dan sebagainya.
Kompleks Vs Simpleks

Karbohidrat sangat dibutuhkan oleh tubuh untuk memacu otak, otot serta memasok energi ke berbagai fungsi tubuh seperti jantung dan alat pernapasan. Kebutuhan karbohidrat untuk menghasilkan energi tidak banyak, hanya 50% dari jumlah asupan energi yang dibutuhkan. Misalnya dalam sehari Anda membutuhkan 2.000 kalori, berarti karbohidrat yang dibutuhkan 250 gr, berasal dari 2.000 kal x 50% : 4. Sebab dalam 1 gr karbohidrat mengandung 4 kalori.

Karbohidrat merupakan sebuah senyawa organik yang terdiri dari zat karbon, hidrogen, dan oksigen. Senyawa ini terdiri atas satu molekul gula sederhana (glukosa). Sel-sel tubuh kemudian menyerap glukosa ini dan mengubahnya menjadi sumber tenaga utama untuk menggerakkan fungsi alat dan proses pembakaran lemak dalam tubuh.

Karbohidrat tidaklah menakutkan, asal Anda tahu karbohidrat mana yang aman dikonsumsi. Sejauh ini ada dua macam karbohidrat yaitu simpleks dan kompleks.

Karbohidrat simpleks mengandung gula monosakarida (glukosa, fruktosa, dan galaktosa) dan gula disakarida (laktosa, maltosa, dan sukrosa). Glukosa yang cepat diserap tubuh ini terdapat dalam buah-buahan, sayuran, madu dan sirup jagung. Fruktosa terdapat dalam buah-buahan dan madu. Gula ini agak lambat diserap terutama yang berasal dari buah. Laktosa yang terbentuk dari kedua jenis gula ini, termasuk yang lambat diserap sering disebut dengan gula susu.

Sukrosa adalah gula yang sering digunakan sebagai pemanis. Sedangkan maltosa didapat dari beberapa sereal yang berasal dari biji-bijian dan fermentasinya, seperti bir. Sedikit maltosa, akan membuat gala darah Anda meroket. Karbohidrat simpleks tidak buruk bagi tubuh, asal diatur asupannya.

Karbohidrat kompleks tidak bisa langsung diserap, tapi dicerna lebih dulu sehingga kadar gula dalam tubuh naik pelan-pelan. Jenis yang ini baik bagi tubuh karena banyak mengadung serat dan vitamin.

Karbohidrat kompleks ada dalam pati, serat, dan gula alkohol. Pati terdapat dalam nasi, kentang, mi, roti, jagung, dan terutama tepung gandum (whole wheat). Memang kadarnya tidak sama pada setiap jenis makanan. Misalnya nasi merah lebih bagus daripada nasi putih.

Salah satu sumber karbohidrat kompleks yang tidak larut air dan baik bagi tubuh adalah tepung kanji. Tepung ini dihasilkan oleh tumbuhan sebagai penyimpan tenaga setelah menghasilkan makanan dengan menggunakan klorofil dalam proses fotosintesis. Tepung kanji sering digunakan untuk mengentalkan makanan cair seperti sup krim.

Serat hampir sama dengan pati. Tapi tidak seperti gandum, serat tidak bisa dicerna oleh enzim pencernaan. Jadi serat bebas kalori. Serat yang terdapat dalam buah dan sayuran dapat mempertahankan rasa kenyang sehingga Anda tidak mudah tergoda untuk ngemil. Gula alkohol adalah gula sintesis yang dibentuk dari gula dan selulosa. Jenis gula ini juga lambat diserap seperti sukrosa.
Sahabat atau Musuh

Sebenarnya, jika dibandingkan, karbohidrat lebih banyak positifnya daripada negatifnya. Asal asupannya diatur puls diimbangi dengan aktivitas memadai, maka energi yang terbentuk tidak sia-sia.

Karbohidrat menjadi musuh jika asupan karbohidrat normal, tapi aktivitas nol! Apalagi jika senang ngemil. Ini berarti terjadi penumpukan karbohidrat dalam tubuh yang kemudian disimpan dalam bentuk lemak. Sedangkan kandungan gulanya akan menimbulkan penyakit diabetes.

Ada anggapan di Asia, termasuk Indonesia, jika tidak makan nasi bisa dibilang belum makan. Nasi adalah makanan utama penting yang banyak mengandung glukosa. Sehingga tidak heran jika banyak penduduk Asia menderita diabetes. Sebab, ya itu tadi, kandungan glukosa nasi ternyata paling tinggi di antara sumber karbohidrat lainnya.

Penelitian terbaru menyebutkan, kelebihan karbohidrat yang menahun akan menyebabkan kanker payudara akibat penumpukan gula dalam darah yang sia-sia. Akibat lainnya, tubuh perlu baju dan celana baru yang ukurannya jauh lebih besar!

Dalam sehari Anda cuma butuh 250 gr karbohidrat saja (setara dengan 2.000 kalori) yang terbagi dalam tiga kali makan. Jadi jika tidak ingin berat badan bertambah karena asupan kabohidrat yang berlebih, segera perbanyak buah dan sayuran segar.

Anda tidak perlu menghindari burger atau hotdog saat makan malam. Yang penting ketika makan burger, minta tambahan tomat, daun selada atau saladnya. Sebab sayuran ini dianggap mampu mencegah efek lemak jenuh dan kolesterol yang masuk ke dalam tubuh.

Jika secara membabi buta Anda memusuhi karbohidrat akibat yang harus ditanggung cukup mahal. Misalnya karena ingin cepat turun berat badan, asupan karbohidrat ditiadakan atau dikurangi secara drastis.

Dampaknya, sumber energi yang dibutuhkan tubuh diambil dari asupan lemak dan protein. Jika kedua sumber energi tidak ditambah, akan berakibat pada terbentuknya zat keton yang bisa menyebabkan terjadinya keracunan akut. Agar rasa kenyang bertahan lebih lama tanpa memengaruhi stamina sehari-hari, makanlah sumber karbohidrat tambahan. Misalnya snack tinggi karbohidrat, apel atau pisang.

Hilangnya Nilai Gizi

Sumber karbohidrat utama ada pada serelia dan ubi-ubian. Yang termasuk serelia adalah beras, jagung, gandum dan hasil olahannya seperti tepung beras, tepung terigu, dan tepung maizena. Yang termasuk ubi-ubian adalah ubi jalar, kentang, dan ubi kayu serta hasil olahannya.

Karena proses penggilingan, pencucian, dan pemasakan, nutrisi yang terkandung didalamnya bisa hilang dalam jumlah yang sangat besar. Misalnya vitamin B dalam beras akan hilang jika dicuci sampai airnya bening. Serelia dan ubi-ubian semestinya diperlakukan dengan wajar, mulai dari proses pencucian hingga pemasakan.

Nah, karbohidrat akan menjadi sahabat atau musuh, tergantung bagaimana Anda memperlakukannya. Yang pasti pelajarilah fungsi karbohidrat dengan teliti, plus minusnya. Mana yang lebih dominan bagi tubuh Anda.

CV Mistakes to Avoid

•May 17, 2010 • Leave a Comment

Make sure your CV is your springboard to the next stage of the job search. Here are some key CV mistakes to avoid.

Your CV is often the first impression a hiring manager has of you and more often than not you will only have a few seconds to grab his/her attention and leave him/her wanting to read more and invite you in for an interview. It is essential that you get this vital piece of communication right and use it as a springboard to the next stage of the job search. The following are some common CV mistakes to avoid at all costs.

1. Insufficient Contact Details

Make sure your CV clearly details your full name, address and contact details for a prospective employer to reach you including phone numbers and email address. This may sound obvious but remarkably, a few candidates will send their CV out omitting key contact information or with outdated contact details. If your email address reads particularly unprofessionally (eg hotbabe) or is a work email address it may be well worth while changing it for a different one to utilize for correspondence with employers.

2. No Objective

Every CV should begin with a clear and concise objective citing the position you are seeking and a supporting short skills statement summarizing the reason you are highly qualified for this role; e.g. “Seeking a senior marketing analyst role where I can apply my 3 years experience in marketing analysis gained with a leading Fortune 500 FMCG company as well as my skills in copywriting, strategic analysis, business development, client servicing and media planning.” Remember, the goal of the CV is to outline what you can do for your prospective employer not what your employer can do for you.

3. Passive Language

Remember to use active verbs that show leadership and accomplishments rather than weak passive words. Words like achieved, spearheaded, managed, exceeded, pioneered, led, created, developed and motivated convey an active, dynamic successful professional. Substitute all weak descriptive sentences for sentences that detail accomplishments in no uncertain terms eg instead of “Managed the firm’s emerging markets equity portfolio” try “Managed and achieved a 34% annualized return on the firm’s flagship £200 million emerging markets equity portfolio.”

4. Writing in the first person

Do not start sentences with the word ‘I’ or use the personal pronoun in your job descriptions. Keep your sentences short and dynamic and begin them wherever possible with strong action words.

5. Lack of Focus

Every CV should be focused on the particular job and industry you are targeting. If you are applying to jobs in 2 different industries make sure you have different CVs that cater specifically to the different skills required in each industry. The best CVs are customized for the individual job at hand and emphasize objectives, skillsets, past accomplishments, aptitudes and qualifications that are uniquely relevant to that role. Generic, unfocused CVs rarely make the mark.

6. Poor Formatting

Your CV will get no more than a cursory glance if the formatting is poor and it shows bad planning, poor organization or clutter. Makes sure you adhere to an acceptable format that is professional, simple and attractive to the eye. Use bullet points wherever possible rather than long, winding prose and be consistent with font, headings, spaces and layout. Avoid the coloured paper, illustrations and glitzy touches – if you are applying for a creative position show your creativity in your portfolio not by jazzing up your CV. Aim to send your CV on high quality paper (if not on-line) and make sure it is no longer than 1 page if you are entry level and a maximum of 2 pages if you are a seasoned professional.

7. No Proofreading

Spelling mistakes, poor grammar and glaring errors are a surefire way to get your CV dismissed and stop the job search process in its tracks. Read and reread your CV before sending it to the employer, run a spellcheck and have some-one else read it for an extra check before sending it out.

8. Omission of Key Facts

Educational qualifications and professional experience must be included in your CV with proper dates, titles, institution names and descriptions. Use plenty of keywords in describing your role and accomplishments in each job as well as in the Skills section – these will often be the hook that makes the difference between your CV being considered or overlooked, particularly with an online employer CV search. If you are unsure what keywords to use, read the job description thoroughly, read detailed job descriptions for similar jobs with other companies and ask peers in the industry what skills/qualifications are particularly relevant for this role.

9. Lies

Lies and half-truths will be discovered sooner or later and you are better off omitting them from the start. If you have not finished a university degree make that clear on your CV without neglecting to include the coursework you did complete and the educational accomplishments you do have. Similarly do not list promotions, jobs, titles, dates or job descriptions that do not accurately reflect your work history. Most companies run very detailed background checks and lies and exaggerations that are not glaringly obvious on the CV or at the interview will often be discovered at the reference or background check.

10. Poor Targeting

Make sure you send your CV to the right person at the company and accompany it with a short, concise cover letter that personalizes it and summarizes your skills, objectives and the value you will bring to the job. Spend some time researching who heads the division you are targeting and what the most relevant skills are to target in your correspondence and send your introductory CV and cover letter directly to them. Your CV is more likely than not to be disregarded completely if you send it to the wrong person or to a nameless “To whom it may concern”.

10 Reasons You Should Write Something Each Day

•May 17, 2010 • Leave a Comment

The written word is a part of every day life. At its most basic, writing is a way of communicating. This is the one inalienable characteristic of writing itself, whether you’re communicating with a colleague or friend or you’re actually communicating with yourself – though a shopping list, for instance.

Aside from the fact that writing is an inescapable part of every day life, there are many good reasons you should make a good session of writing part of your daily routine, even if it’s just a few hundred words. You don’t have to be a pro to reap the benefits of creating the written word.

1. Remove stress from mind, place on paper

Writing can be therapeutic. It can be a way to vent all the pent-up frustrations burdening your mind into a far less volatile form, paper (or screen). You can address your anger, fear, worry and stress without bludgeoning the person who embodies those emotions for you with a paperweight.

Writing can serve as a form of cathartic stress relief where you finally get to say what you can’t say out loud, in real life. Just don’t let your vented feelings get into the wrong hands, or you may end up paying some pretty hefty blackmail cash.

2. Sweep Your Mind

A daily writing habit gives you regular time to sweep your mind for forgotten tasks and ideas that have been fermenting in the back of your head without your knowledge. It allows you to take the unordered thoughts floating around your head like lost puppies in zero gravity, and turn them into ordered plans and actions.

This is the fundamental principle that the mindsweep and weekly review are based on: getting everything you can think of out of your head, and into a written format. This simple process can save your life when things are getting overwhelming and complicated

3. Keep Your Writing Skills Sharp

Write every day to keep your skill with the written word sharp. Like any skill, the ability to communicate clearly, concisely and aesthetically degrades without practice. As a result, many people who don’t write regularly can freeze up, lost for words, on something so simple as an email to a friend.

Writing every day, even in a stream-of-consciousness, unedited format will maintain and gradually improve your writing skills, and since dealing with the written word is a fundamental part of daily modern life, there’s nothing bad about that.

4. Make Some Pocket Money

If you’re not a professional writer, pocket money is probably all you’ll ever want to earn from your words. But if you’ve got a knack for it and just had a great dinner at a new restaurant and written about it for your daily pages, then isn’t it better to have a shot at getting that review published instead of letting the piece do absolutely nothing?

These days, it’s easy to submit to many publications without spending considerable time and money doing so. While you’re unlikely to get too many bites without a good track record as a writer, it’s certainly easy enough to be worth the effort, and your wallet will be pleased.

5. Turn the Noise Off

Get away from the constant low-quality input and output systems of day-to-day life, such as meaningless small-talk and weather conversations, text messaging, Twitter, checking the mailbox, and most email and many websites. You receive and create barrages of useless distractions that don’t help you or the people you know; sitting down to write lets you get away from it all.

It’s important to keep the noise to a minimum so you can focus on creating and receiving strong material, things that are really worth reading and writing.

6. Enhance Your Communication Skills

Use daily writing to enhance your communication skills. In this culture, communication is so often hampered because we don’t know how to express ourselves, whether it be verbal or written. Writing regularly can hone the skill of self-expression, something that is useful in written communications such as email, and that can translate into improved verbal communication.

If you have trouble communicating what you want or asking tough questions, regular writing will give you a mind for structuring words quickly to achieve the desired affect in a diplomatic way.

7. Know What You Want

Part of the reason so many people do not get what they want in life is because they do not know what they want from it. Certainly not the main reason that people don’t get what they want, but in so many cases it is the obstacle. How can you get what you want or achieve your dreams if you’re not 100% clear on what they are?

Writing each day gives you time to think carefully and reflect on what you want to achieve the most, and develop a clearer, achievable image and plan for that result.

8. Develop Your Analytical Skills

Writing regularly develops your analytical and rational skills. Working through your problems with a piece of paper encourages you to think things through clearly, in both linear (sequential) and non-linear (creative) ways. The best solutions come from a mix of both logical and creative thinking.

Many people tend to panic and react emotionally to their problems, but if you’re used to solving them by processing each component of the problem in writing, you’ll develop a better approach and skillset. You’ll at least pause to think through the situation before hitting the panic button next time something comes up!

9. Get Away from Technology

In #5 we talked about turning the noise off for a while, which comes from all sorts of sources – not just tech-related sources. But another problem of ours is our dependence on technology, and it seems that everything that can be done on a computer, is done on a computer.

If you opt to use a pen and paper instead of a computer, you give yourself valuable time away from technology to gather your thoughts without constant, meaningless interruptions and distractions. But more importantly, you give yourself time with the tactile and real.

10. Meet Yourself All Over Again

In a fast-paced society it’s easy to forget things like what you believe in and what you’re doing this (whatever this may be) for. Letting words flow out of your brain unedited can introduce you to a part of yourself you’d been censoring from yourself to cope with everyday life. Why did you start down the path you’re currently on? This is an important question whether you consider your current path to have begun on the weekend, or a decade ago.

Discontentment, disillusionment, and unhappiness often come from forgetting why we’re doing something (or, on a different track, not having a good reason for living a certain way) and it is important to keep those simple reasons at the forefront of your mind or you run the risk of letting your life become a series of boring, menial actions.

It’s not only important to remind yourself of your motives for your current actions; it’s important to monitor your actions to see if they align with your life goals so that you can change them. Sometimes, the only way to keep such a close monitor on your actions and goals is to write about them every day.

Kesalah Wanita dalam memandang DIET

•May 15, 2010 • Leave a Comment

Pandangan orang tentang DIET adalah mengurangi makan dengan tujuan untuk menurunkan berat badan. Mengurangi makan dapat diasosiasikan dengan hal-hal berikut ini yang ternyata malah merugikan tubuh kita dan hasilnya malah berat badan kita tidak pernah turun. Atau kalaupun bisa turun, dalam waktu dekat akan kembali naik yang disebut dengan yo-yo diet.

Kesalahan-kesalahan fatal dalam diet berikut sangat sering terjadi:

1. Berlapar-lapar: makan banyak bisa menambah berat berarti makan lebih sedikit akan menurunkan berat badan kita, kalau perut terasa lapar, kita akan berusaha menahan rasa lapar dan tidak makan. Berlapar-lapar akan menyebabkan metabolisme tubuh kita menurun, yang menyebabkan melambatnya pembakaran lemak, dan semua itu menurunkan energy kita sehari-hari sehingga kita akan merasa kurang fit, loyo. Lapar juga pertanda perut kita kosong dan gula darah kita sudah menipis sedangkan otak kita membutuhkannya. Apabila diteruskan, kita akan mulai merasa pusing. Hal ini juga termasuk dengan orang-orang yang makan sehari hanya sekali atau dua kali dengan tujuan supaya kurus. Yang benar adalah makan 5-6x sehari, tiga makan normal dan tiga snack untuk memacu metabolisme tubuh supaya tetap tinggi.

2. Skip Breakfast: memang sengaja dilakukan, atau tidak sempat dilakukan, atau tidak terbiasa melakukan, ternyata melewatkan sarapan sangat sering terjadi di lingkungan kita. Sarapan adalah makan yang paling penting untuk tubuh kita. Setelah kita tidur 8 jam tanpa nutrisi sama sekali, tubuh kita sangat membutuhkan nutrisi pada saat sarapan dan juga untuk menghadapi hari panjang dengan energy yang penuh. Melewatkan sarapan membuat tubuh kita katabolik, yaitu tubuh berusaha mengambil energy dengan cara mengambil dari otot kita.

3. Tidak makan malam: diasumsikan bahwa kita mau tidur koq malah makan. Memang dalam tidur kita tidak membutuhkan kalori dalam jumlah yang banyak, terutama kita tidak membutuhkan karbohidrat yang tinggi. Tetapi kita membutuhkan banyak protein sewaktu kita tidur, karena pada saat kita tidur, hormon pertumbuhan akan keluar, tubuh akan memperbaiki semua sel-sel tubuh yang rusak dan bahan baku terpentingnya adalah protein. Pastikan konsumsi protein Anda cukup untuk proses ini. Sebaiknya konsumsi protein sekitar 2-3 jam sebelum tidur. Karbohidrate paling telat 4 jam sebelum tidur. Disarankan meminum casein protein sebelum tidur untuk penyerapan protein yang lebih lambat kalau ingin perbaikan yang terbaik.

4.Tidak makan setelah berolahraga: makan setelah berolahraga diasumsikan bahwa olahraga kita akan sia-sia. Habis dibakar koq langsung diisi. Padahal makan setelah berolahraga ini adalah makan terpenting untuk tubuh kita. Bayangkan saja setelah kita menghancurkan tembok rumah kita (berolahraga), kemudian kita panggil tukang untuk mereparasinya, dan ketika tukangnya sudah datang, ternyata kita tidak menyiapkan bata dan semennya (kita tidak makan). Apa yang terjadi? Lama kelamaan tubuh kita akan rusak. Sangat disarankan untuk meminum protein dan carbohydrate maksimal 15 menit setelah latihan, dan makan real food maksimal 1 jam setelah latihan untuk perbaikan tubuh kita setelah olahraga.

5. Kurang minum air: kurang minum air ternyata membuat tubuh kita menahan lebih banyak air di dalam tubuh dan menyebabkan berat tambahan serta kurang minum air juga menyebabkan metabolisme atau pencernaan nutrisi kurang berjalan lancar. Minumlah 2-3 liter air setiap hari.

6. Crash diet: diet ini sering menghilangkan salah satu komponen untuk mencapai tujuannya. No fat diet, no carbs diet, high protein diet. Diet-diet ini tidak seimbang dan membahayakan fungsi tubuh. Fat mempunyai fungsi penting dalam tubuh kita, membantu penyerapan vitamin A, D, E, K. Apabila fat tidak kita konsumsi sama sekali, makan tubuh kita akan kekurangan vitamin-vitamin ini dan menyebabkan penyakit yang lebih serius. Tidak makan carbohydrate juga sangat berbahaya karena tubuh kita membutuhkan carbohydrate untuk sumber energy utama. Otak kita juga membutuhkannya untuk energy. Diet yang disarankan adalah yang seimbang, bukan yang mengharamkan salah satu jenis nutrisi yang ada.

6.5 Menetapkan cheat day: banyak sekali orang yang menetapkan satu hari buat cheat day atau makan bebas, dan biasanya itu hari minggu. Menetapkan cheat day khusus seperti ini dianggap seperti memberikan reward atau hadiah setelah kita berhasil melewati enam hari sebelumnya dengan diet ketat. Diet sebenarnya adalah lifestyle, memberikan cheat day akan memprogram otak kita bahwa enam hari sebelumnya adalah hari penuh sengsara. Pola ini apabila diteruskan, lama kelamaan akan membuat kita capek berdiet dan akhirnya melepaskan pola diet yang dijalanin dan membuat diet kita secara keseluruhan gagal. Anggaplah diet Anda adalah sebuah gaya hidup bukan tuntutan atau tekanan dari siapapun juga.

Setelah kita mengetahui beberapa kesalahan fatal dalam diet, cek lah diri Anda sendiri, apakah Anda melakukan salah satu dari 6.5 kesalahan ini ketika Anda ingin menurunkan berat badan Anda. Jika tidak, berarti Anda sudah berada di jalur yang benar, tetapi jika Anda masih melakukan salah satu dari kesalahan ini, Anda harus cepat-cepat memperbaikinya. Good luck.

Denny Santoso, S. Kom, SAC, Dip. CBA, CSN, Certified Hypnotherapist

Life is a choice and experiencing the choice you had

•May 15, 2010 • Leave a Comment

Have you ever said “Why is this so hard for me when I keep reading about how success is coming so easily to everyone else?”

I don’t normally use sports analogies, but for this column it just fits. So first, I should explain that, whether a boxing match lasts 10 rounds or not, that is the length I have chosen for the entrepreneurial bout.

Round 1: Like the ring of the first bell, you launch your business or invention fit, hungry and invincible.

Rounds 2-4: Big things are happening; every day sees a new customer or a newly opened door. New benchmarks are surpassed and adrenaline is flowing strong.

Round 5: Your confidence sets in. The crowd and media have been in your corner. You are working harder than you ever have and now have involved others who are dependent on you. It feels like just a matter of time before you turn the corner.

Round 6: You know that you are only four rounds away, but you are now starting to feel the weight of your gloves. Suddenly fatigue is near, and worry has replaced excitement.

Round 7: The rush of the first bell is a faint memory. You understand your business better than ever, and you’ve taken some tough blows. Just when you think your momentum will carry you, some of the weaknesses in your preparation becomes pronounced as your guard falls. Product or vendor problems arise.

Round 8: At the moment you are faced with your greatest challenges, competition shows up, which calls on your last reserves of energy and mental fortitude.

Round 9: In an attempt to find inspiration, you read stories about 10 companies similar to yours achieving triple-digit growth in half the time. Each story is accompanied by a photo of the CEO and her family in the Cayman Islands or enjoying hot chocolate in a ski lodge in Vail–with the support of “both” of their nannies. Rather than feeling inspired by these stories, the feeling that things are unfair begins to creep in.

Round 10: Last round: What will you do?

There are several options:

You can throw in the towel. You can decide to just get through the round and see what happens. Or you can decide to win.

The first thing to point out is that this is a decision that is mainly about you. You have made it through nine rounds, so you can certainly make it through another if you choose to. A more important question is how will you make it through?

From what I have seen, perhaps more debilitating than the worst blows and challenges you have endured is the perception that, while “everyone else” is raking it in, you are fighting every day for every $100 dollars–or every dollar. Note that I used the term “perception.” There are certainly people who have struck it big with their service or product at a very early stage. I have nothing but respect and appreciation for their example and their success. After all, we are not privy to the struggles others have faced, and it is to that success which many entrepreneurs aspire.

Their success is not the problem; the problem is the effect on you of this “perception.” The media, especially the business press, looks for stories that validate the American entrepreneurial dream. While I feature people at many stages of their business in my blog, I often feature success stories as well. These are popular stories and can have a beneficial effect for many readers. However, I will tell you that there are many more stories where, despite appearances, the company is actually in the throes of Rounds 7 to 9, and struggling.

This brings me to the second “perception” issue. Most glorified in our culture is “success”–especially after overcoming adversity. Therefore, entrepreneurs in the midst of adversity will necessarily put their most positive face on, hoping to soon arrive, with the media’s help, on the other side. In my second book, I interviewed many of today’s most successful women in business. Many of them faced perilous business situations before they hit it big.

On a regular basis, I meet and interact with entrepreneurs with both service and product businesses. Many companies, including some who appear very financially secure, successful–on the other side–are facing serious challenges. This is true today, and it was true prior to the economic downturn.

My main point is this: If you are now in those later rounds and starting to look for insight as to how you are doing…don’t. What you see may be true or may be false. But either way, it will not tell you what you need to know. Instead, look inside and ask yourself “Do I want to win?” If so, say so, put up your gloves, put your chin down, tune out the outside noise, and give it your best shot. No matter the outcome with your business, you will have fought as a winner.

the author
Tamara Monosoff is the founder and CEO of, where entrepreneurs get information and inspiration to turn their ideas into successful businesses. Tamara is the author of The Mom Inventors Handbook, Secrets of Millionaire Moms and co-author of The One Page Business Plan for Women in Business.

Sometime I meet people offers something to me at the public space that made want less

•May 14, 2010 • Leave a Comment

We all know the feeling. We start a new job, and immediately we’re inundated with loads of paperwork asking us to make all kinds of important decisions. For many of us, one of those decisions is whether to enroll in a retirement plan, in which part ofour salary is automatically placed in an investment fund that we’ll be able to access later in life. If we decide to enroll, we’re typically given many options from whichto choose so that we can find the one that’s right for us.However, despite the numerous incentives for enrolling in these programs, which often include tax advantages and matching employer contributions, many people don’t take advantage of them. But why? Could it be that organizations are unknowingly discouraging enrollment by offering their employees too many options?

Behavioral scientist Sheena Iyengar thinks so. She and several colleagues analyzed company-sponsored retirement programs for nearly eight hundred thousand workers, looking at how the participation rates varied as a function of how many fund choices the organization offered. Sure enough, the researchers found that the more choices that were offered, the less likely the employees were to enroll in the program at all: For every ten additional funds a company offered to its employees, the participation rate dropped almost 2 percent. To give just one specific comparison, they found that when only two funds were offered, the rate of participation was roughly 75 percent, but when fifty-nine funds were offered, the participation rate dropped to about 60 percent.l’Iyengar and fellow social scientist Mark Lepper also examined whether the damaging effect of offering too much occurred in other domains, such as food products.

They set up a display at an upscale supermarket in which passersby could sample a variety of jams that were all made by a single manufacturer. Throughout the course of the study, the researchers varied the number of flavors of the jam offered, so that either six or twenty-four flavors were featured at the display at any given time. The results demonstrated a clear and astonishing difference between the two conditions: Only 3 percent of those who approached the extensive-choice display actually purchased any jam. Contrast that with the 30 percent who bought jam when they approached the limited-choice display.IS What could possibly account for this tenfold increase in sales?When so many choices are made available, consumers often find the decision-making process frustrating, perhaps due to the burden of having to differentiate so many options from one another in an attempt to make the best decision. This may result in disengagement from the task at hand, leading to an overall reduction in motivation and interest in the product as a whole.

The same logic holds for the retirement plans. Does this mean that offering many varieties and alternatives is always a bad thing? Before trying to answer this question, let’s first consider one of Vancouver’s most celebrated sweet shops, La Casa Gelato. This business offers gelato, ice cream, and sorbetto in any flavor you could possibly think of-and many that you couldn’t. What began as a sports and pizza bar in the Commercial District of Vancouver in 1982 has grown into what owner Vince Misceo describes as an “ice cream wonderland.” Upon entering the store, customers are faced with an eclectic array of over two hundred flavors, including wild asparagus, fig and almond, aged balsamic vinegar, jalapeno, garlic, rosemary, dandelion, and curry.

Considering the research findings we discussed, has Vince Misceo, with his shop of over two hundred flavored gelatos, ice creams, and sorbettos, made a mistake by offering so many choices? The store’s proprietor obviously embraces the philosophy that providing his customers with more choices will lead to better business, and it certainly appears from his success that he’s right. For one thing, the extensive variety of flavors has generated a great deal of publicity for his business-the extremely varied offerings have become a unique, identifying feature of the brand. Second, the majority of his shop’s clientele seem to genuinely savor-both literally and figuratively-the process of sampling and eventually choosing the flavors they would like to try. And third, maximizing the number of options available may be especially helpful when customers are likely to knowexactly what they want and are simply looking for a store or a business that supplies it.

Unfortunately, there are few companies that find themselves in the position of having hordes of prospective buyers literally salivating at the opportunity to choose from their wide selection of goods and services. Instead, it’s often the case that potential customers don’t know precisely what they want until they’ve surveyed what’s available to them. What this means for most businesses is that by saturating the market with a large number of unnecessary varieties of their products, they could well be inadvertently harming their sales, and as a result, they could be diminishing their profits. In such cases, a business might enhance a customer’s motivation to purchase its goods and services by reviewing its product line and cutting out redundant or less-popular items.

There are a number of major manufacturers of a variety of consumer products that in recent years have been streamlining the range of options they provide to their customers, perhaps in response to a modest rebellion by their customers against the excessive number of choices they were offered. For example, take Procter & Gamble, a leading manufacturer of a wide range of products, from personal health care products and laundry detergents to prescription drugs. When the company reduced the number of versions of Head & Shoulders, one of its very popular shampoo products, from a staggering twentysix to “only” fifteen, it quickly experienced a 10 percent increase in sales.”

What are the implications of these findings? Suppose that you work for an organization that sells manydifferent variations of a similar product. Although it may seem against your intuition at first, it may be worth considering a reduction in the number of options provided by your business in order to drum up maximum interest in your offerings. This could be especially true if you have customers and clients who are uncertain of exactly what they might want. Of course, there could be additional benefits of offering less, such as making more storage space available, requiring reduced spending on raw materials, and a reduction in the production of marketing and point-of-sale materials to support a smaller portfolio.

A worthwhile exercise would be to review the extent of your product portfolio and ask yourself the following question: Where we have customers who may not be clear about their requirements, might the number of choices we offer be causing them to seek other and potentially fewer alternatives elsewherer’? The lessons of this research can also be applied to home life. Giving children choices in what books they’d like to read or what dinner they’d like to eat can undoubtedly be beneficial, but too many choices might be overwhelming and ultimately demotivating. The old saying may well assert that variety is the spice of life, but as the scientific research demonstrates, in some circumstances, too much variety, like too much spice, can be the ingredient that spoils the dish and, as a result, spoils your effortsat persuasion.